Technical specification
Duty: Residential
Power Consumption: 25 W per actuator
Max Gate Weight: 200 kg
Max Speed: 6 - 8 sec
Max Angle: 180°
Key features
Auto-reverse on closing if it hits an obstacle
Stopping on opening if it hits an obstacle
Control to stop immediately at any time when the gate is moving
Battery backup with chargers (optional)
Limit switch N.C./N.O. selectable (using micro-switch)
Automatic lighting control with optional photo sensor
Dual lighting mode control: Follow of delay selectable
LED indications for easy installation and fault diagnosis
Photo Electric beam control input available
Dual speed operation for fast/cushioning effect
Adjustable forcing sensing trimmer for high and low speed
Emergency release key in case of power failure
Auto close feature available (for safety, to be used with photocell)